We are proud to announce our new ambassadors and their ladies Latin dance shoe shoes Energy
Stefano di Filippo & Dasha Chesnokova
Stefano di Filippo & Dasha Chesnokova
Anita Flavina Dance Shoes is deeply honoured to announce our Ambassador Launch headed up and designed by the World Champion Dancers Stefano Di Filippo and Dasha Chesnokova. It is with a massive thank you from the bottom of my heart that Anita Flavina Dance Shoes after only three years launching our Hand Made in Italy Dance Shoe Brand, we have been chosen by World Champion Dancers to represent us. Three years in building our brand and four generations of Italian dance shoe artisan’s creating dance shoes. For me when a dancer slips on Anita Flavina Dance Shoes, I visualise the dancer embracing the passion, dedication and love that was put into creating our dance shoes, in the same way as they have for their dance. In the same way as a dancer’s body, Anita Flavina Dance Shoes is strong and flexible at the correct points, which enables a dancer to express themselves in their dance. We are an extension of your feet that flows with the rhythm of your body to express yourself to your best. A dancer and a dancer’s shoes are intwined and work as one in the same way Stefano and Dasha have been dedicated to designing Anita Flavina Dance Shoes Collections
"Dasha and I chose to become Ambassadors of Anita Flavina Dance Shoes because the shoes are of exceptional quality, being hand made in Italy makes all the difference, with the skill and craftmanship of 4th generation dance shoe artisans. We had a few ideas to improve the comfort and balance so naturally we began to design these aspects of the shoes and over a period of time we began to perfect every single part of the dance shoes, designing new ways for dance shoes to evolve. Together we think about the fashion designs of the upper patterns and how dance shoes should be beautiful in the same way as fashion shoes. So now we have designed the most comfortable, technical dance shoes that are also stylish and the best shoes that every dancer can wear, exactly the same as a world champion does. If you dance you want to give your best to your dance, to do your best for your dance, so try the difference in our dance shoes, as dance shoes are the most important part of the dancers kit.If the shoes are perfect that will help perfect your dance."
Stefano di Filippo
"It is amazing that our factories located in the rolling hills of the beautiful Italian countryside is where our 4th generation dance shoe artisans every day hand craft our dance shoes, for dancers all over the world. They hand craft each shoe with the same energy, love and passion as we have for our dancing. Together our energies meet as one for the love of what we do in the creation of our shoes to perform our dance and we become one. This is one of the reasons why I chose to become Ambassador and Designer for Anita Flavina Dance Shoes. I feel so good designing our dance shoes collection so I can give something back to dancers all over the world who follow me, to help them dance their best. Together we will dance our journey in Anita Flavina Dance Shoes."
Dasha Chesnokova
For Dancers by Dancers
Our New Energy Ladies Latin Dance Shoes

- Avvolge e si adatta alla forma del piede
VANTAGGIO: Protegge i piedi, garantisce comfort, riduce gli infortuni, una maggiore durata, massima gioia per la tua danza
- La forma segue la stessa linea del corpo del ballerino
BENEFICI: Corpo e piedi ballano nella stessa direzione, esteticamente gradevole, massimo comfort, riduce gli infortuni, massima gioia per la tua danza
- La proporzione rispetto al tallone della scarpa è allineata con il tallone dei piedi della ballerina
VANTAGGIO: Abbraccia e protegge i piedi, impedisce al tallone dei piedi di scivolare in avanti e di esercitare pressione sulla pianta dei piedi, offre il massimo comfort, riduce gli infortuni, maggiore durata, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Stabilità del tallone extra forte
VANTAGGIO: Massimo equilibrio, aumenta il comfort, aumenta la fiducia, riduce gli infortuni, maggiore durata, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Supporto dell'arco plantare extra forte
VANTAGGIO: massimo supporto, massimo comfort, aumenta la fiducia, riduce gli infortuni, maggiore durata, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Lunghezza della suola ridotta
VANTAGGIO: Esteticamente gradevole, consente punte perfette, aumenta la sicurezza, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Cinghie della tomaia fissate al centro della soletta
VANTAGGIO: Protegge i piedi, previene l'allungamento delle scarpe, previene lo strappo delle cinghie, massimo comfort, aumenta la sicurezza, maggiore durata, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Ammortizzazione e imbottitura a volume differenziato sulla suola delle scarpe
VANTAGGIO: movimento ultra flessibile, massimo supporto, massimo comfort, aumenta la sicurezza, riduce gli infortuni, maggiore durata, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Solette e fodere in pelle di lusso
BENEFICI: Permette ai piedi di respirare, elimina i piedi sudati, l'odore dei piedi, massimo comfort, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Lussuose suole in cuoio di bufalo
VANTAGGIO: Massimizzazione della connessione dei piedi alla pista da ballo, movimenti di danza più fluidi, maggiore durata, maggiore sicurezza, massima gioia per la tua danza
- Tomaia in raso di lusso
VANTAGGIO: esteticamente gradevole, maggiore durata del laser
- Fibbie in ottone di lusso
VANTAGGIO: esteticamente gradevole, maggiore durata del laser